Sunday, 29 January 2012

Want to date Young Chinese Women?

We, in west seem to be obsessed with age. Both men and women go to great lengths to keep their age under wraps and appear younger. As one advance in years, it becomes difficult to find partners as being old is equated with boring, dull and unadventurous. Thankfully, it is not so in Asian countries such as China. It is not unusual to see young and pretty Chines women dating and marrying men several years their senior. Even while dating online, Chinese girls don’t really mind the age of their dating partner as long as they are caring, interesting and have honorable intentions.

Despite the fact that most Chinese women continue to look way younger than their western counterparts of same age, most guys still make a beeline for youngest and prettiest of the lot. Nothing wrong in it so long you don’t try to act like younger men in order to attract their attention or win their affection. If they want younger men, I am sure they will have plenty to choose from. Most Chinese women who choose to date older men do so because they want someone mature, sensible and stable. Your attempts at playing young will only confuse and disappoint them.

While exceptions are always there, age difference does make a relationship more complex. While you have “been there and done that” she is just beginning to explore life and experimenting with it. Her energy and vivaciousness makes you feel alive but it is likely that you start finding difficult to keep up with it after a while. She still has to experience and learn the lessons that you have already learnt.

Dating and chatting with someone who is closer to your own age is not such a bad idea. Chinese women in their 30’s not only have much more to talk about but are also more experienced and ready for a loving relationship. Moreover, they also know how to make it happen.

Are you looking for a genuine website for Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Want to date Young Chinese Women?

We, in west seem to be obsessed with age. Both men and women go to great lengths to keep their age under wraps and appear younger. As one advance in years, it becomes difficult to find partners as being old is equated with boring, dull and unadventurous. Thankfully, it is not so in Asian countries such as China. It is not unusual to see young and pretty Chines women dating and marrying men several years their senior. Even while dating online, Chinese girls don’t really mind the age of their dating partner as long as they are caring, interesting and have honorable intentions.

Despite the fact that most Chinese women continue to look way younger than their western counterparts of same age, most guys still make a beeline for youngest and prettiest of the lot. Nothing wrong in it so long you don’t try to act like younger men in order to attract their attention or win their affection. If they want younger men, I am sure they will have plenty to choose from. Most Chinese women who choose to date older men do so because they want someone mature, sensible and stable. Your attempts at playing young will only confuse and disappoint them.

While exceptions are always there, age difference does make a relationship more complex. While you have “been there and done that” she is just beginning to explore life and experimenting with it. Her energy and vivaciousness makes you feel alive but it is likely that you start finding difficult to keep up with it after a while. She still has to experience and learn the lessons that you have already learnt.

Dating and chatting with someone who is closer to your own age is not such a bad idea. Chinese women in their 30’s not only have much more to talk about but are also more experienced and ready for a loving relationship. Moreover, they also know how to make it happen.

Are you looking for a genuine website for Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Dating Chinese Women, for those Searching for a Soulmate

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning,” a famous quote about one of the most beautiful emotion felt by all humanity. Today, this emotion is no longer mysterious, as an ideal match could be found in ones neighborhood or through the dating websites.

The advent in technology has experienced a surge in people who seek companionship on the dating websites. Chinese dating web portals are the forerunners with thousands of subscribers accessing them for finding their perfect match. The style and trends in dating vary across different cultures and its people, so if you are looking forward for dating Chinese women, it is important to be aware of different aspects related to date a woman.

The points below would help to understand dating Chinese women for a meaningful companionship and things that are important -

1.Chinese women are known for their innocence and subtleness, so if one is looking for a casual fling, it might be a good idea to look women from different origin. They will not get intimate until they are assured of the faithfulness or a commitment of a serious relationship impending.

2.Courtesy goes a long way to make an impression on a Chinese woman; they are flattered by the courteous etiquettes. However, it will be a good idea not to go overboard as it may be perceived as a weakness by a Chinese woman.

3.It is imperative to express the sentiments with occasional gifts during the time of dating, a Chinese woman will love it and it will promise a permanent position for you in their heart.

4.A genuine interest in the oriental culture could be an added advantage for those looking to date Chinese women. An expression of interests in the language, culture, history, food and tradition helps one to strengthen a stronger bond with a Chinese woman.

5.Answer all questions pertaining to age, financial status, health and family, assure complete transparency, it may seem a little rude to a westerner. However, the Chinese are extremely direct and honest about their lives.

6.It is easy to express by learning a few common phrases and the most common words of their native language. Sometimes a Chinese woman is unable to converse in English; it may be a thoughtful way to help her understand the language.

7.Chinese people value good education; therefore, it is important when questions about education are asked seriously and you answer them candidly.

A trustworthy companion, the divine love of beautiful Chinese woman has changed lives of many. Intense love, selfless care and lifelong commitment you would get. For dating Chinese women, visit and get more tips on dating and a comprehensive review of many Chinese dating websites.