Friday, 30 March 2012

Three Strange Misconceptions About Chinese Women

The popularity of Chinese girls on online dating sites is reaching new heights. As such it is not really surprising to learn about the numerous myths and misconceptions that are being propagated to malign the image of these beautiful ladies. Listed below are three of the most peculiar misconceptions that most men seeking Chinese women for dating, tend to come across on the internet.
They Are Quite Immature: Men intending to date Chinese females are often made to believe that these women are extremely childish and constantly seek the guidance of their families or partners. Only after having a firsthand dating with the pretty Chinese women, do men actually believe that not only are these women mature enough but they are also extremely practical and respectful towards others.
They Are Not Broad-Minded Enough: This might be true for ancient Chinese women who lived in an extremely conservative, male-dominated society and had little say in any social or political issues. However, modern Chinese females are not only well-educated and independent but are also are quite vocal about their opinions on diverse issues.
They Suffer From A Deep Sense Of Insecurity: It is believed that the insecurity of Chinese women makes them seek only those men who want to have relationship for a lifetime. However, it is the traditional morals and values and not insecurity that make these females prefer a steady alliance over a casual affair.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

What Does “Leftover Chinese Women” Mean

Most people who choose to date Chinese females are generally well aware of the fact that as per the ancient social norms the ideal marriageable age for these women is early twenties. However, they might know that Chinese women who cross this age without finding a suitable marriage partner are referred to by the derogatory term of leftover women, within their own society. What is even worse is that the Chinese government seems to have validated this term as it has warned women that they might never get married unless they choose a life mate before crossing the age of 30.

In a nationwide survey conducted by several government agencies across 31 provinces, it has been observed that the Chinese official media not only endorses the term openly but also propagates it freely. In fact, Chinese women above the age of 24 are broadly categorized into three categories of leftover types.

The first category includes women in the age group of 25-27 and is called “leftover fighters” as they still can hope to find a suitable match although they might need to struggle a bit for the same. The second category named as “the ones who must triumph” includes women aged between 28 and 30 years. These women have an extremely limited scope for finding a perfect life partner especially because they are considered to be too obsessed with their careers.

The third and the final category of leftover Chinese women include females above the age of 35 years. They are referred to as the “master class of leftover women”, who despite possessing the various luxuries of life have little chance of finding a partner to share them with.

What makes the situation more ironic for these women is the great imbalance in China’s sex ratio and the single child policy of the government. With most men wanting to get married to a female who is in the best child bearing age, there is a decline in the willingness of men to take on older wives.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Secrets To Ensure A Successful Relationship With Chinese Women

A lot of men choose to stay away from committed relationships because they feel that maintaining them is a complex process that involves a lot of sacrifices and having great amount of patience, which they don’t have. While this might be true to some extent, it surely is not the only secret to sustaining happy relationships for long, especially when the relationship involves Chinese women. These oriental women are pleasant partners and their relentless commitment towards their partners makes it quite easy to maintain a joyous alliance with them. Given below are some tips to ensure a successful relationship with the pretty Chinese females.

Being Polite: Not many men understand the importance of behaving in a polite manner with the Chinese women they choose to date online. While talking in a casual manner or a riff-raff language might seem cool to most western females, Chinese ladies are extremely particular about the manner in which their partners communicate with them. For them the politeness of their partners is an indication of their good manners and gentlemanly attitude.

Avoiding The Blame Game: Most often couples seem to overlook the fact that both of them are equally responsible for sustaining their relationship and also that each of them is prone to commit mistakes. Avoiding the temptation to blame your partner for all that is wrong in a relationship can go a long way in ensuring its long term success.

Communicating In A Proper Manner: Despite being aware of the importance of proper communication in strengthening a relationship, men often fail to follow this simple rule in their alliance with Chinese women. Generally, they cite the reserved nature of Chinese females as a major reason for their inability to communicate well with them. However, only through persistent efforts it is possible to draw out these women out of their shells and win their love and trust.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Reasons Why Chinese Women Prefer Older Men As Life Mates

A lot of men are baffled to learn that a large percentage of young Chinese females prefer to meet and date men who are considerably older than them. This infatuation of Chinese women with older men is really not new as in the ancient Chinese society it was quite common for young females to marry men no less than 15, 20 or even 30 years older. While this trend seems to have become almost non-existent, it is still quite normal for women to seek life partners who are at least 5-10 years older. So what actually makes the Chinese ladies prefer older men over the men of their own age-group?

Well, the above query has several answers. Most Chinese women feel that older men are more likely to remain faithful and committed towards them as compared to the younger lot. This is because given the significant age difference the men would definitely find their younger companions interesting and beautiful for many years to come. These women also feel that since older men are more mature, they are liable to understand the pitfalls of extra-marital affairs much better than the younger ones. As such they are more likely to refrain from indulging in any such activities that would not only threaten to ruin their present relationship but enhance their chances living a lonely life in the future.

Chinese women also feel that older me are experienced enough to handle the responsibilities of a long term alliance in a confident manner. Even if they have not been in a relationship earlier, their high level of maturity and understanding, enables them to handle tricky and conflicting situations in a better way. Moreover, they are often financially well-settled enough to devote ample time to their family and partners, rather than making more money to make their future safe and secure, making them the best choice as ideal life mate for most Chinese females.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Understanding The Firm Belief Of Chinese Women In Astrological Compatibility

Men seeking Chinese women to be their partners for life, often consider mutual love and compatibility to be the only significant factors that ensures a truly happy and long lasting relationship. However, for most Chinese females astrological compatibility with their prospective life mate is another important aspect of ensuring a long and peaceful alliance with them. As belonging to one of the oldest cultures across the globe, Chinese society is deeply rooted in traditional customs and beliefs and determining the level of compatibility via astrology is one of those customs that is still prevalent among masses.

Astrology has played a significant role in the lives of Chinese people since ancient times and it is common for them to refer to an astrologer before initiating any good task in their lives. Since, the decision to spend their life with someone is of extreme importance even more so if he happens to be a complete stranger, it is only natural for Chinese women to seek the advice and guidance of the family astrologer about the level of compatibility with their prospective life mate. For this, they generally require the astrological birth chart of their online dating partner and in case he does not have one, they willingly get it made.

One may think that given the high level of education, exposure to western lifestyle and scientific facts and figures, modern Chinese women would not believe in the ancient customs of astrology. This is however not the case primarily due to two major reasons. The first is that in the modern times, astrology has come to be recognized as a branch of science. Secondly, Chinese females have a strong sense of belonging and respect towards their ancient culture and hence generally don’t overrule the traditional customs and rituals irrespective of their high level of education and awareness. In fact, most modern Chinese girls still prefer to get married in the traditional manner following all the associated customs, not just for the happiness of their parents and family but also to ensure a strong and happy life in future.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Tips To Ensure A Strong And Happy Relationship With Chinese Women

Most men after having found the perfect Chinese women of their dreams try to ensure that nothing goes wrong in the relationship. Most often they are willing to go to any extent to help build a strong and healthy base for their long term alliance so that they can enjoy a happy and peaceful life with the partner of their choice. Given below are some tips that can help men achieve this objective and enjoy a life full of bliss with their Chinese mate.
Keep The Friendship Alive: Most relationships that thrive over long periods of time do so because the partners involved never give up their sense of being friends first. Men need to understand that although passion and romance are vital for sustaining their relationship with the Chinese women, it essentially the bond of friendship with their life mate that adds meaning to it. Treating their Chinese mate as an equal will not only help enhance the love and respect of these women towards their partners, but also make them more committed towards the relationship.
The Ability To Deal With Fights: No relationship is absolutely perfect and hence it is quite natural for partners to have misunderstandings and even fights. However, what is more important is how they handle these conflicts and prevent them from causing serious damage to the relationship. With Chinese females being a lot more sensitive and emotional, the onus of resolving a conflict in a mature way often rests on the shoulders of men.
Seeking Inspiration From Successful Relationships: Like most other aspects of life, a positive influence can prove extremely helpful in helping men to value their and nurture their relationship with Chinese women. As such it is important to seek inspiration from the relationships that have been going on successfully for years. Talking to couples, who have spend several years in each other’s company can actually help them find solutions to difficult situations that might otherwise seem insurmountable.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Challenges Of Maintaining A Long Term Relationship With Beautiful Chinese Women

One of the most prominent things that attract men towards Chinese women is there mesmerizing, almost divine beauty. It is not only their physical appearance that is so overwhelming but also their mental and spiritual beauty that draws men into seeking them as partners for life. However, while it is quite easy to feel attracted towards a pretty Chinese lady, winning her heart and maintaining a long term relationship with them in a balanced manner can prove quite challenging.

The most difficult challenge that men need to overcome in their relationship with the Chinese women is the sense of insecurity. Most men feel that just because these women are extremely beautiful, they would attract the attention of numerous other men and hence always feel insecure about being ditched for better looking or richer guy. However, men need to understand that Chinese ladies do not take relationships so lightly and it is not in their nature to cheat on their partner just because they have met a wealthier, smarter or even a more interesting man. Once they enter into a long term relationship with a man, they usually put all their energies into making it really successful and long lasting.

Another challenge that men face in a committed relationship with Chinese women is dealing with their extremely sensitive and emotional personalities. Most men find it quite frustrating that these women tend to be touchy about seemingly petty issues. What they find irritating is the fact that these women rarely say things in a simple and straight forward manner. However, what they don’t know is that Chinese people in general tend be conscious about the feelings and emotions of people around them and as such avoid saying things which might offend or hurt them. Keeping with this tradition, Chinese girls tend to express themselves in a manner which many westerners find difficult to understand.

Understanding these basic facts about the personalities of Chinese women can go a long way in helping men to develop a strong and long lasting relationship with their oriental partners.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

The Changing Outlook Of Chinese Women Towards Extra-Marital Affairs

For most Chinese females, the idea of their husband having one or mistresses or loads of extra-marital affairs, was something they had to live with. In fact, the infidelity of men rather than being looked down upon by the Chinese society was at one time considered to signify a man’s power and his dominance over the females in his life. However, with the changing times, the attitude of Chinese women towards their unfaithful husbands has also undergone a significant change. Consequently most young women today are not ready to put up with a partner who is not as loyal to them as they are towards him.

Many experts feel that ancient customs of marriage were a major cause for the widespread practice of infidelity in the Chinese society. Chinese women and men were often forced into matrimonial alliances that were more beneficial to the family and society. The individual preferences and likings of the bride and the groom were out rightly ignored. In addition, given the male dominance of the Chinese society, men who did not have a mistress or an extra-marital affair were often taunted for living under the control of their wives. Moreover, countless parents willingly presented their daughters to become the mistresses of wealthy land owners with the hope of getting enough money to look after the other members of their families.

However, in the modern times, with the Chinese women having becoming aware of their rights both as a female and as a wife are not forced to put up with a disloyal partner. Although there are still a large percentage of families and men who tend to carry on their lives in the ancient manner, they try to keep their affairs as discreet as possible. With a lot of women still turning a blind eye to the infidelity of their husbands, these oriental ladies still have a long way to go before they can be absolutely sure of the complete loyalty and dedication of their partners.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Dating Chinese Women From Beijing - Things You Need To Know

Given the vast ethnic diversity and immense area coverage of China, not to mentions its huge female population, finding a suitable life mate just by browsing through profiles on reliable Chinese dating websites is really difficult. The best way to make the process easy to choose Chinese women based on certain set criterion which might include their age, level of education and even the city of residence in China. Although most people are unaware of the fact, but the city to which a Chinese female belongs, often has a lot to do with her overall personality and attitude. To exemplify the same, given below are the general personality traits of Chinese females from the metropolitan city, Beijing.

In general, the Chinese women from Beijing are somewhat taller and fairer than their counterparts living in other southern provinces. This makes their appearance much closer to Japanese than Chinese and often tends to confuse people wanting to date them online. Most of these females are often well educated, quite fluent in English and pursuing successful careers. They are not exactly the kind of typical traditional Chinese females, most men read about on online dating sites. Rather they tend to be extremely practical, independent and self-reliant and have high expectations from their prospective life mates and dating partners.

Having said this, it is also vital to keep in mind the fact that Beijing being a major metropolis of China is also hub to numerous gold diggers and opportunists. As such it is vital for men to keep their eyes and ears open while dating Chinese women from this city online. The fact that there are a lot of women out there who would do anything to live luxurious and comfortable life is surely a reason for concern. However, if the men were to follow the basic rules and keeps their wits about them, there is no reason why they cannot find women who are genuinely interested in loving relationships living in this city through online dating.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Chinese Women – What Makes Them The Ideal Choice As A Stepmom For Your Children

Chinese females are preferred as life mates not only by countless young men around the globe, but also by a large number of widowers and divorced men with young kids. Such men generally feel that Chinese women would prove to be good stepmothers for their children besides being a loving and reliable life mates to them. This perception is mostly based on the character traits that Chinese females are known to possess as well as their dedication and commitment towards marriage and family life.

It is a well-known fact that Chinese women consider motherhood to be a blessing of God. They are known to treat children with utmost love and care besides ensuring proper inculcation of discipline and good manners in them. When a Chinese female decides to marry a man having kids, she accepts the responsibility of being the mother of those kids in every sense. Chinese women rarely differentiate between their own children and their step-children and in fact try to forge a bond of strong love and dedication between all the kids. Their focus always remains on taking the family forward as a single unit and keeping all the members united under all conditions.

One of the major reasons for the unbiased love of Chinese women towards children is their deep sense of morality and spirituality. These females firmly believe in the existence of God in every life form, especially children. Consequently they feel that hurting or abusing a child is akin to blasphemy. Moreover, their morals do not allow them to mistreat any human being just because they are not related to them through blood. For them relationships through marriage are as important as and sometimes even more significant than the blood relationships. This is especially true for people who are related to them through their husbands, even if they happen to be his kids from an earlier relationship.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Too Many e-mail or IM Messages Major Turn Offs for Chinese Women

Maybe it has to do with the primal instincts, but most men find it impossible to resist the urge to chase once they find an attractive woman who appeals to them. It is as true for online dating as it is for real dating though the methods may be different. However, it is a sure way of looking needy and fastest way of turning off women, especially if you are dating on a Chinese dating site.

Pretty and polite, Chinese women are nemesis of their western counterparts. Most guys find them pleasantly different from their previous dates and come on too heavy on them without quite realizing it. They sometime start sending several e-mails or IM messages in a day. If the attraction is mutual and the e-mail or IM conversation is interesting and stimulating, there is no harm in having a dialogue. However, if your relationship is still in early stages where you are just getting to know each other, barraging her constantly with your messages is likely to backfire and make her doubt your sanity or intentions...probably both.

Worse thing is that it makes you appear needy, clingy and wussy qualities that most Chinese women absolutely detest in men. My suggestion is to restrict your communication, keeping it to bare minimum in order to keep her interested in you. She is probably used to being chased and as a guy who seems to be in control, you are sure to catch her attention and possibly fancy.

I understand it is easier said than done especially if the woman in question is hot, intelligent and witty. However, discipline at this point will make all the difference. Don’t write her more than once in a day and terminate IM conversations within 15 minutes. Excuse yourself saying that you have some things to take care of, without going into the details. Trust me, nothing turns a woman on more than a man who is mysterious and not at her beck and call.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Secret behind Those Dark Long Tresses Of Chinese Women

One of the beauty traits that Chinese women are quite commonly praised for happen to be their long dark tresses. In fact it is quite rare to find a Chinese female who sports short hair or has untidy hair that’s not properly combed. People often wonder, whether the trend of short haircuts and styles a have not yet reached these women, who are otherwise known to keep themselves updated with the latest fashion trends? Well, the simplest explanation for this, even though many people might find it surprising, is that Chinese females are more conservative when it comes to natural body hair.

Most Chinese women thought that tampering with the natural body hair would bring them bad luck and hence, they avoided even waxing or shaping their eyebrows done. But now, with the increasing influence of the western culture and society on China, this thinking is fast becoming outdated and major cities like Shanghai and Beijing have numerous parlors and saloons where women freely remove their natural body hair. However, most of them still avoid cutting their hair too short as they feel that it would affect their beauty and sex appeal. This is because while they are not so superstitious about removing unwanted body hair, they are not entirely comfortable at the prospect of shredding their lovely tresses.

Most Chinese females are well aware of the fact that their long silky hair makes them seem extremely attractive to men and this increases their prospective of finding a life mate of their choice. Having said this, it is also true that a lot of young Chinese women, who are more self assured and independent, do not think that looks and beauty should be major criteria for finding a perfect partner. Moreover, whether they sport long hair or not, depend entirely on their personal choice and liking. So, be prepared to see quite a few young Chinese ladies who have extremely short hair.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.