Tuesday, 28 August 2012

What makes Chinese women adorable among white men?

Looking for a compatible match who can accompany you in your passion of reading and writing. Everyone wants a person who has hte capability to motivate them and love them at the same time. This love then turns into inspiration, which gives rise to a never ending search for perfection in a particular field, be it art or science.

If you are looking for such a woman in your life, who can inspire you and your thoughts, then you better turn to dating Chinese women. But, wait a minute! If you think Chinese women just have pretty faces and petitre features, then you need to correct your facts. They are gifted with porcelain skin, but they have brains too. They have the capability to challange anyone’s intellect and compete with it till end.

What makes Chinese women so adorable?

The answer to this question is very simple and that is their sharp learning curve, unique character, self-dependent attitude, and family values.

In the Chinese culture, immense importance is given to girls education and making them self-dependent. And their educational training starts in their childhood itself.

Beside this, the second most important factor that makes them so adorable is their learning curve. Chinese girls are considered as the most intelligent and studious as compared to the girls from any other ethnicity. They are amazing in everything they learn, be it cooking, martial arts, science, history, arts, medical, engineering etc. Their strong grasping power make them understand even intricate subjects in a super intelligent way. Their reading habits, interest in fine arts, music, literature makes them hot among guys hunting for a girl who can motivate them and lead them to the ladder of success.

Family is considered more important in the Chinese culture and utmost importance is given to the relations and family members instead of any other thing. Chinese women are ambitious, but their career, and other things in life revolves around their family and kids i.e. their first prefrence is their family. This is what makes them popular among men from other cultures as well.

All these factors give their character a unique touch and makes them different from other countries’ girls and this has given a sharp rise to the Date China Women websites on the Internet. You can find innumerable sites where you can make your profile for online dating Chinese women.

If you too want to make a chinese woman your source of inspiration, log on to www.dating-chinese-women.com to know more about them.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Master the Art of Dating Chinese Women – Part II

In the part I of the article with the same title and introduction we looked at the different aspects of how to date chinese women successfully. In this article, we continue with the same.

I recently met a long time friend. He is dating a Chinese girl and I could sense the charm in his life just by looking him in eyes. I was, of course, curious to know whether it is difficult to date Chinese women. And his answer forced me to assume that dating Chinese girls is an art and if a guy has mastered the art, he surely has all the rights to live his life in love and with compassion.

As per his rendezvous, I shortlisted a few facts which are of immense help to anyone, who wants to date Chinese women. Here we go: -

Everyone compliments her girl on their date, and its no different with Chinese girls. But before complimenting her, make sure you are genuine and true with your words, and you are not doing it just for the sake of it. Your girl will get to know if you are faking it, and this will make her feel that you are concealing something from her.

Respect her culture and traditions. This fact is the most important in your life if you are dating a Chinese girl. Chinese women love their traditions and follow them religiously. Do not ever mock or ridicule their traditions if you think they are funny. Don’t follow them if you are not comfortable but at teh same time, never let her feel that your culture is superior or better over hers.

Chinese people, especially girls give importance to their families. And they expect the same from their partners too. If you think you own the girl and her time, you are wrong. Her family holds the equal importance. If you show this to your love, she will definitely feel a soft pinch towards you. Migle up with her family, invite them over dinner or take them out with you. This will make her feel special in a way.

As I said eralier, dating Chinese women is not difficult at all, you just need to keep in mind few things that make her feel special and weanted in your life.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Master the Art of Dating Chinese Women – Part I

I recently met a long time friend. He is dating a Chinese girl and I could sense the charm in his life just by looking him in eyes. I was, of course, curious to know whether it is difficult to date Chinese women. And his answer forced me to assume that dating Chinese girls is an art and if a guy has mastered the art, he surely has all the rights to live his life in love and with compassion.

As per his rendezvous, I shortlisted a few facts which are of immense help to anyone, who wants to date Chinese women. Here we go: - Never assume that your girl would initiate communication on her own. Therefore, you need to open up and let her feel comfortable. If she finds your company comfortable, she will discuss things related to her family and other matters. Her subtle hints like, a pat on your arm, or a wink are the signs that she is comfortable with you.

By now you know, Chinese women prefer their men to take the lead, and you got to be in successful in that, otherwise, you are nowhere with your girl. There is a thin line between being confident and over-confident. If you think that you’ve impressed your girl in your first date and she will arrange for the next date or will call you on her own, then you are wrong. Correct your facts, and make her feel special by calling her and asking her for out. You can also ask her about her prefrence on where she wants to go for the next date. Modesty is considered the highest virtue in the Chinese culture. Therefore, never cross that thin line, if you want a long-term relationship with your girl.

Give time to your girl. Don’t rush after things and don’t make hasty plans. Let the relationship flow in a smooth and slow form. If you think of kissing your date on the first day, then you are thinking on the wrong lines, my friend. This will scare her away. Chinese girls are shy by nature and they take their own time to trust their partner. The best solution is to rely on her indications and signs, only then think of moving ahead with your girl.

In the part - II of the article, I will share more on how to master the art of dating Chinese women.So watch out the space to know more on how to date Chinese girls successfully.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Things to Avoid while Dating Chinese Women

You must be excited that you have befriended a Chinese woman. But my friend, have you ever thought of how to turn this friendship into a long-term relationship. This is not an easy task because you have to take care of so many details while trying your luck with a Chinese woman. These oriental beauties are very particular about few things, which you may find trivial and choose to ignore. But this may hamper your relationship with your woman. Therefore, it is important to understand what they like or dislike or what you should avoid while dating Chinese women. This will help you in strengthening your relationship with your woman.

The first and foremost thing in the list is, stop making fun of anything that you find amusing but is sincerely followed in the Chinese culture. You may find their traditions funny, because you don’t follow the same culture and you are not aware of their customs. But, if you try to understand the importance of these customs, you will definitely make a strong impression on your woman.

The second most important thing to keep in mind is, avoid saying things that you know are not true about you. Faking things will let you down in front of your woman. It is common to boast about your traits and persona, while Chinese women dating online. But my friend, this is not going to help you in any manner. She will get to know the real you, once you fix up a plan to meet her in person.

It is good to be unpredictable sometimes; if you think, you want to surprise your woman with something. But if you are being unpredictable and inconsistent intentionally, stop doing it because this will force your woman to dump you anytime. A man, who lacks consistency in his behaviour, can never impress a woman. Don’t miss or get late for your online chat sessions, if you have fixed time with her. Otherwise, she will think that you are not being serious with her and interacting online with her is just another casual fling.

Don’t ever think of disrespecting a Chinese woman by saying something which you know is considered offensive in their culture. Day-to-day life of Chinese women is far more difficult than you think. There are loads of expectations from a Chinese woman and, to your surprise; they know how to handle this. But that does not mean you have the liberty to play with their emotions. Take your woman seriously and never let her down because she has opted you as a partner. So, it is your responsibility to let her know that she has chosen the right man by respecting her thoughts, emotions and feelings.

Log on to www.dating-chinese-women.com to know more about Chinese women dating.