Thursday, 23 August 2012

Master the Art of Dating Chinese Women – Part II

In the part I of the article with the same title and introduction we looked at the different aspects of how to date chinese women successfully. In this article, we continue with the same.

I recently met a long time friend. He is dating a Chinese girl and I could sense the charm in his life just by looking him in eyes. I was, of course, curious to know whether it is difficult to date Chinese women. And his answer forced me to assume that dating Chinese girls is an art and if a guy has mastered the art, he surely has all the rights to live his life in love and with compassion.

As per his rendezvous, I shortlisted a few facts which are of immense help to anyone, who wants to date Chinese women. Here we go: -

Everyone compliments her girl on their date, and its no different with Chinese girls. But before complimenting her, make sure you are genuine and true with your words, and you are not doing it just for the sake of it. Your girl will get to know if you are faking it, and this will make her feel that you are concealing something from her.

Respect her culture and traditions. This fact is the most important in your life if you are dating a Chinese girl. Chinese women love their traditions and follow them religiously. Do not ever mock or ridicule their traditions if you think they are funny. Don’t follow them if you are not comfortable but at teh same time, never let her feel that your culture is superior or better over hers.

Chinese people, especially girls give importance to their families. And they expect the same from their partners too. If you think you own the girl and her time, you are wrong. Her family holds the equal importance. If you show this to your love, she will definitely feel a soft pinch towards you. Migle up with her family, invite them over dinner or take them out with you. This will make her feel special in a way.

As I said eralier, dating Chinese women is not difficult at all, you just need to keep in mind few things that make her feel special and weanted in your life.

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